Friday, October 18, 2013

Addition and Subtraction of INTEGERS

   Addition and Subtraction of INTEGERS

Addition of Intergers

Rule 1:
  • For integers of the same sign:
    • add the numbers and copy the sign of the highest given numbers
  • For integers of opposite signs:
    • subtract the numbers and copy the sign of the bigger number
Let's try it!
       Example 1:
                       (-4) + (-8) = ?
              The integers have the same signs therefore, the operation should be addition and then copy the sign of the highest given number.
                       (-4) + (-8) = -12

       Example 2:
                       (9) + (-17) = ?
              The integers have different signs therefore, the operation should be subtraction then copy the sign of the highest given number.

                        (9) + (-17) = -8

Subtraction of Integers

     Rule 1:
  • Change the sign of the subtrahend then proceed with addition. 
Let's try it!

          Example 1:
                      (-10) - (12) =?
                Change the sign of the subtrahend then proceed with addition.
                      (-10) - (12) = -22
          Example 2:
                      (-13) - (-34) =?
                The integers have similar sign, and both negative. 
                      (-13) - (-34) = ?
                      (-13) + (34) = -21

Try this by yourself!

1. (3) + (-9) = ?
2. (-4)- (18) = ?
3. (-9) - (-5) = ?
4. (10) + (16) = ?
5.  (32) - (20) = ?

        “If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is.” ― John von Neumann

                                                HOPE YOU'VE LEARNED SOMETHING! :)